
Amy Brown of Authenticx

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Amy Brown (founder and CEO) of Authenticx, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of Authenticx – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

I spent two decades working in the healthcare and insurance spaces and saw firsthand a huge missed opportunity.

Companies were attempting to understand their customers by sending surveys and making robocalls, which resulted in limited responses and insights. Meanwhile, they were storing and ignoring rich insights that lived within customer phone, chat, and email conversations.

The problem was that there was no systematic way to extract those insights.

So, in 2018, I founded Authenticx to bring the literal voice of the customer to healthcare leaders. We use AI and natural language processing to surface insights from recorded customer interactions and help the healthcare industry listen for the things that matter most.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

In a word, fear. Hell, when you take a giant leap of faith – putting your career, future, and family security on the line to follow your dreams, it is impossible to not encounter psychological doubt and fear. Thankfully, my age and life experiences have shown me the benefits of acting in courage, despite the fear. Regarding fear, I’ve learned to be aware of it, manage it, harness it, dispose of it, and ensure my head, heart and soul are in alignment most of the time. After that, next in line would be growing my founding leadership team during a global pandemic.

What does the future hold for Authenticx?

In 2021 we expect to more than double our revenue, our client base, and users. We expect to help our clients solve really big problems in the areas of compliance risk, customer attrition, and wasted resources.

By the end of this year, we will have 25 team members and by 2023, we expect to double.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in Carmel?

I miss the days of meetups and community gatherings where we can debate ideas while drinking beer. But that is a short-term disappointment. Having said that, Carmel’s focus on amenities in the community are prime for tech to make a home and grow here.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Start with a prototype of your idea, test, iterate, and test again. Be scrappy at first and make sure your idea has legs. Learn from the shortcomings and evolve your idea before investing too many dollars or resources up front.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series