This Week in Tech

NY State Passes First Ever ‘Right to Repair’ Law

NY State Passes First Ever ‘Right to Repair’ Law

The New York state legislature has passed the United States’ first “right to repair” bill covering electronics. Called the Fair Repair Act, the measure would require all manufacturers who sell “digital electronic products” within state borders to make tools, parts, and instructions for repair available to both consumers and independent shops…

Ford Is Going to 100% Online, Fixed-Price Sales For EVs

“We’ve got to go to non-negotiated price. We’ve got to go 100 percent online. There’s no inventory (at dealerships), it goes directly to the customer. And 100 percent remote pick up and delivery,” he said during Bernstein’s Annual Strategic Decisions Conference, per Ford’s official transcription of his remarks…

Japan Sets New Record, Brings World Closer to Internet 100,000 Times Faster Than Current Speeds

The Network Research Institute at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) reported on May 30 that they had successfully demonstrated the world’s first transmission speed of 1.02 petabit per second in a multi-core fiber (MCF)…

Scientists Have Developed a Stretchable and Waterproof ‘Fabric’ That Turns Energy Generated From Body Movements Into Electrical Energy

Scientists at NTU Singapore have developed a stretchable and waterproof ‘fabric’ that turns energy generated from body movements into electrical energy…