This Week in Tech

Research Scientist Wins $70K USD by Building an AI Model Which Detects Deep Fakes With a 98.53% Accuracy

Research Scientist Wins $70K USD by Building an AI Model Which Detects Deep Fakes With a 98.53% Accuracy

SINGAPORE – A one-man team comprising Singaporean research scientist Wang Weimin beat 469 other teams from around the world in a five-month-long challenge to develop the best artificial intelligence (AI) model for detecting deepfakes, or digitally altered video clips…

The US Military’s Naval Research Laboratory Transmits Electricity Wirelessly Using Microwaves Over Long Distances

Washington (USA) Scientists at the NRL (Naval Research Laboratory), a research facility of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Navy, wirelessly transmitted 1.6 kilowatts of electrical energy over one kilometer to demonstrate the feasibility of terrestrial microwave power beaming. To do this, they converted electricity into microwaves, which were then sent to a receiver in a directed beam. To precisely focus the microwave beam, the researchers used a dish as a transmitting antenna. According to the NRL, this is “the most significant demonstration of power beaming in almost 50 years”…

Apple’s Self Service Repair Program Is Now Open to iPhone Owners in the US

It took several months, but Apple’s Self Service Repair program is now available in the US. If you have an iPhone 12, iPhone 13 or third-generation iPhone SE, you can buy key parts (such as batteries, cameras and displays) from a dedicated store and consult official repair manuals as you fix a device yourself. You can even spend $49 to rent a toolkit for a week if you’d rather not buy tools you’re unlikely to use often…

Two-Inch Diamond Wafers Could Store a Billion Blu-Ray’s Worth of Data

Researchers in Japan have developed a new method for making 5-cm (2-in) wafers of diamond that could be used for quantum memory. The ultra-high purity of the diamond allows it to store a staggering amount of data – the equivalent of one billion Blu-Ray discs…