This Week in Tech

AI Could Prevent Thousands of Sepsis Deaths Yearly

AI Could Prevent Thousands of Sepsis Deaths Yearly

Patients are 20% less likely to die of sepsis because a new AI system catches symptoms hours earlier than traditional methods, new research shows…

Researchers Use Wearable Tech to Detect COVID-19 Before Onset of Symptoms

Wrist-worn health devices can be combined with machine learning to detect COVID-19 infections as early as two days before symptoms appear, McMaster researcher David Conen and a team of experts from across Europe have determined…

Dubai Builds World’s Largest Vertical Farm – The City Known for Importing Almost All of Its Produce Will Now Grow 2 Million Pounds of Leafy Greens Each Year

The city known for importing almost all of its produce will now grow 2 million pounds of leafy greens each year inside the world’s largest vertical farm…

This Passenger Car Captures More CO₂ Than It Emits While Driving – and It Was Built by Students

TU Eindhoven student team TU/ecomotive has developed a sustainable electric passenger car that captures more carbon dioxide (CO₂) than it emits while driving. A prototype called Zem purifies the air through a special filter. By storing the captured CO₂ and then disposing of it, Zem can contribute to reducing global warming. The students will continue to improve the vehicle in the coming years, with the goal of making it carbon-neutral for its entire life cycle and eventually hitting the road…