
Best Tech Podcasts This Week – 02/06/23

The Tech Tribune staff has compiled a list of the best new tech podcasts released in the last week (as of the time of writing):

“The cash-strapped company recently auctioned off USB dongles but has left some corporate computers in the custody of laid off staff.”

“It’s hard to believe it’s been just a year since cryptocurrency ads made a splash in the Super Bowl, because a whole lot has gone down (and down and down) in crypto since then. Marketplace’s Meghan McCarty Carino got journalist and book author Jacob Silverman on the line to look back at the ads from eToro, Crypto.com, Coinbase and FTX in the 2022 “Crypto Bowl.” They might not have aged so well.”

“Perhaps the biggest obstacle to establishing a data culture is building trust in the data itself, making it vital for organizations to have a robust approach to data governance to ensure data quality is as high as possible.

Enter Laurent Dresse, Data Governance Evangelist and Director of Professional Services at DataGalaxy. Throughout his career, Laurent has served as a bridge between IT and the rest of the business as an expert in data governance, quality, data management, and more.

Throughout the episode, we discuss the state of data governance today, how data leaders and organizations can start their data governance journey, how to evangelize for data governance and gain buy-in across your organization, data governance tooling, and much more.”

“Physical artworks in museums are usually well-guarded – but digital artworks are something else entirely: in 2021 alone, scammers successfully stole 100 million dollars worth of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. Yet blockchain technology, where most NFTs live – is one of the most secure technologies in history. Why, then, are NFT collectors keep getting hacked?”

“The healthcare sector is already being transformed by the use of artificial intelligence. But what are the drawbacks to its use and what developments in AI will come to healthcare next? In their new book ‘Can We Trust AI?’, WSJ reporter Eric Niiler and researcher Rama Chellappa addressed these questions in a WSJ Live Q&A. Zoe Thomas hosts.”

“It’s episode 300! I thought I’d wax poetic on the top 10 things I’ve learned from both running this show, and the guests I’ve had on. After that, I talk a little bit about what’s in store for How I Built It, and where I’d like it to go in the future. Plus, in the PRO show, I talk about what life without Twitter has been like.”

“Technology has not only changed the way we live and work, it is also at the forefront of economic growth in America’s heartland. Remote workers and an influx of new investments are slowly transforming the rust belt into zoom towns, each flourishing with innovation from artificial intelligence and robotics to biotech and military tech. In this episode of One Vision, Theo chats with Rebecca Fannin, journalist, media entrepreneur, and author of Silicon Dragon, Startup Asia, and Tech Titans of China, on tech innovation in the East, local innovation economies in the U.S., and what gives her hope.”

“The attacks on password managers and their users continue as Bitwarden and 1Password users have reported seeing paid ads for phishing sites in Google search results for the official login page of the password management vendors. Not only that, a new vulnerability in the popular open-source password management software KeePass has also been reported.

Three health tracking apps available on Google Play (Lucky Step, WalkingJoy, Lucky Habit: health tracker) have been downloaded on over 20 million devices, but a recent report shows that the rewards for using the apps are impossible or only partially available after watching tons of ads.

A bug in Meta’s Accounts Center feature allowed hackers to bypass two-factor authentication (2FA) by brute force guessing a six-digit authentication code.”

“Netflix password sharing, big tech earnings, Twitter API, Jony Ive”

“It’s time we learn about multi-object transactions as we continue our journey into Designing Data-Intensive Applications, while Allen didn’t specifically have that thought, Joe took a marketing class, and Michael promised he wouldn’t cry.”