
Hydrogen-Powered Train Sets Guinness World Record for Nonstop Travel

Stadler, a Swiss company, has set a new Guinness World Record with its hydrogen-powered train, traveling nonstop for 1,741 miles (2,803 km) at a test ring in Colorado, USA. This achievement highlights the potential of hydrogen-powered trains as sustainable mass transit options. Unlike electric trains that require overhead power lines, hydrogen-powered trains generate electricity from fuel cells, storing hydrogen in fuel tanks.

The FLIRT-H2 train, built for the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, features two passenger cars, a top speed of 79 mph (130 km/h), and seating for 108 passengers. It can operate an entire day without refueling and is designed for high ambient temperatures. While the record-breaking distance showcases hydrogen fuel’s potential, real-life scenarios may vary due to multiple stops and inclines. Nevertheless, Stadler aims to contribute to environmental protection and zero-emission travel with innovative technologies like hydrogen-powered trains.