
Josiah Umezurike of LokDon

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Josiah Umezurike (founder and CEO) of LokDon, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of LokDon – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

Problem: The fundamental properties of the security protocols running the internet today are NOT secure, safe, and stable. This was the reason why the NIST called for post quantum cryptography or timeless encrypting 10 years ago.

Solution: We started from scratch to eliminate these risk factors and protect information by building the next generation of cybersecurity and privacy control software using keyless and platform-agnostic authentication.

We have developed  a foundational “security modules as a software service” (SMAASS) for mobile, web, IoT, and cloud to withstand, reduce, and remove attacks. Let’s take, for example, the USB browser cache hack. No known password manager can forestall this attack, but our protocol stops this in its tracks.

Our solution is split in two:

  1. Autonomous information control
  2. Independent information sales

It is the only solution that uses keyless authentication, a personal token, and autonomous encryption of all data regardless of the platform or OS. Your company should jump in on this because it destroys the cyber kill chain. The cyber kill chain begins with information gathering.

LokDon’s technology arises from a need to make cryptography timeless, redefining data by removing the mathematical basis and replacing the old challenges of internet security with real threat-scape experiences and events reflecting a balance in information security and privacy.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

The biggest is funding: we always have to work with not having enough human and capital resources. As a result, I work excessively odd hours and continuously train the team to wear many hats. Luckily, we’ve got good people, but our production team is not fully staffed. I wish there was a better way.

What does the future hold for LokDon?

Our future lies in working with like-minded organizations interested in making sure that the band-aid culture in cyber security is removed. We want to build an ecosystem that will use LokDon technology to empower individuals to create wealth. We want to transform communities by giving them control of their own information. We want to make the digital frontier sustainable by giving our customers the ability to focus on their IP and reduce customer/support costs, increasing their business velocity.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in Columbia?

The local tech startup scene in Columbia has a lot of growing up to do. I have to say that Columbia, SC is the most difficult place to operate a minority (black) startup. The leaders of the scene must address the issue of not opening up the same opportunities to all and for all. The door needs to be opened up for significant funding to overperforming/performing minority and women owned startups. You don’t expect a company that did with $700k what many will accomplish with $5M to make due with less than $50k – that alone is ridiculous. Greenville, SC realized that need for funding and they are doing so well from what I have heard. The startup scene and the police force in Greenville reflects what I am saying and what I see.

Building restaurants is very good because every one eats. However, building successful tech startups is far better because that is the creation of the knowledge-based economy. You cannot raise the GSP or GDP of a nation without first building the right knowledge-based businesses, thereafter using incentives (funding) to encourage local companies to attract newer ones. Out of towners will be looking to make sure that the locals are doing well before they bring their own companies. There is no telling who is going to show up and from where. If we create an equitable and equalizing environment, people will come because of one opportunity or another.

We have so much to learn on this curve. I consider Columbia, SC home because I know that I cannot run away from my friends and my work there. Even if my friends reject me because of my stance, I cannot reject them. I am criticizing myself as well as I am a part of the scene here in ‘Cola’ because I want us to grow.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

I know money is very important to have. I plead with young entrepreneurs: don’t go into any venture just for the sole purpose of making money.

Remember that solving a problem or two is more important than making money. Get down to the root cause of the problem you want to solve and make it sustainable.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series