
Sunny Sharma of Revnue

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Sunny Sharma (founder and CEO) of Revnue, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of Revnue – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

The idea of building a tool to effectively manage contracts started when we were working as tech leaders for a company that had hundreds of vendor and customer contracts with multiple assets tied to each of them. The contracts began piling up and it became challenging to retrieve key contract attributes. Tracking information such as renewal dates, monthly contract spend, vendor, and customer information, and the warranties and services for each asset was costly and incredibly complex.

We realized it’s not only us experiencing this challenge. In fact, the majority of the companies all over the world have the same challenge, which was magnified as a result of the pandemic.

That’s when we came up with the idea of creating Revnue, a solution that will help not only in storing and tracking contracts, but also providing businesses the capability to leverage contracts to make intelligent decisions to their advantage. In essence, Revnue empowers businesses to stop revenue leakage and save on costs, thus uncovering measurable hidden business value.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

As the demand for an effective contract management solution skyrockets, the pressure to build the entire platform also heightens. Competitors are becoming more aggressive, and the market is starting to become more saturated. With limited funding, the team had to deliver a better solution that will solve more complex problems, thus making Revnue the contract management solution of choice.

What does the future hold for Revnue?

As we continue adding more powerful features to Revnue, our goal is to help every business in the world, regardless of size and industry, build their success by leveraging contracts to make informed business decisions, mitigate any risks, and uncover hidden value for their business.

We see Revnue growing massively in the next few years as we see close to a thousand customers in our pipeline coming from different countries globally. Plans are also in place to expand headquarters to APAC and other regions, and localize the platform to key languages to serve different use cases for companies, regardless of size and industry.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in West Covina?

We believe incubation and startups can happen outside Silicon Valley. West Covina is a thriving community and could become the next incubation hub! Expanding regional and community-driven innovation hubs creates more opportunities for the members of the community. The post-pandemic workforce is highly remote and can work from any place. We want team members to have a work-life balance and have the flexibility and freedom to work from their homes or their communities. West Covina is such a community that has the potential to become a strong center of entrepreneurship spirit and allow more community members to work in technology.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

“Take care of your people, and they’ll take care of your business”. Putting people first has always been our mantra at Revnue. Without asking anything in return, we always make sure that the welfare of our team is our priority. To our surprise, our people started to become more invested in their jobs, contributing to the huge success of our launch.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series