This Week in Tech

Scientists Say They’ve Created Crispier Chocolate Using 3D Printers

Scientists Say They’ve Created Crispier Chocolate Using 3D Printers

How food looks can have just as much impact on its taste as the ingredients that went into it, but all five human senses actually play a part in how we perceive and enjoy what we eat…

Saline Solution: Japan Invents ‘Electric’ Chopsticks That Make Food Seem More Salty

Device uses a weak current to artificially amplify the taste of salt, as part of efforts to reduce sodium levels in popular dishes…

A New Technique Successfully Fried Up to 75 Percent of Tumors Using Ultrasound

Scientists from the University of Michigan used a new technique to whittle away at tumors inside rats — by employing noninvasive ultrasound waves, approaching the threshold of a major breakthrough for cancer liver patients, according to a new study published in the journal Cancers…

10 Gigabit Internet Is Coming Within a Decade

DOCSIS 4 and hybrid fiber coax will enable the next step of the Internet revolution. But there are some obstacles…