
Best Tech Podcasts This Week – 08/21/23

The Tech Tribune staff has compiled a list of the best new tech podcasts released in the last week (as of the time of writing):

“Justin has a report on the feasibility of hacking voting machines from DEFCON. We cover the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruling on copyrighting AI generated content. And YouTube issues new policies on AI generated music. Plus the Wall Street Journal’s sources say a full desktop version of Instagram’s Threads could launch early this week.”

“The DPRK’s Kimsuky attempts to hit joint military exercises. Australian domain administrator auDA (OW-duh) may have been breached. WoofLocker’s version of a tech support scam. The US Intelligence Community warns of cyber threats to space systems. Rick Howard looks at forecasting cyber risk. Deepen Desai from Zscaler shares ransomware trends. And more wartime disinformation out of Russia.”

“New research shows that CAPTCHAs are now utterly useless, hundreds of concerned technologists signed the OpenTF Manifesto to keep Terraform open source forever, Josh Collinsworth writes down all the things you forgot (or never knew) because of React, Mike Seidle shared some quick-but-powerful advice on building new software features & Erlend Sogge Heggen urges new open source projects to join the Fediverse (by way of Mastodon).”

“Softbank’s chip designer Arm is expected to file its F-1 for IPO today, revealing key finances and operations. But whether investors will buy its $64 billion pre-IPO valuation hinges on the filing showing that chip designer is truly at the center of the AI boom, as Softbank founder Masa Son claims, and not actually more like AI-adjacent. The listing would be the biggest in the U.S. in almost two years, and could jump start the IPO market.”

“More X shenanigans over the weekend. Some solid evidence that some major LLMs have in fact been trained on copyrighted material. A ton of it, in fact. As Arm prepares to IPO, who might join them, depending on how things go? Bad news for Adyen is probably bad news for Stripe. And the rise of high tech sailing ships.”