
Guy Bejerano of SafeBreach

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Guy Bejerano (co-founder and CEO) of SafeBreach, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of SafeBreach – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

SafeBreach was founded in 2014 by myself and CTO Itzik Kotler in Tel Aviv. Prior to founding the company, I had worked as a Chief Information Security Officer and Itzik was an independent security consultant that offered red team services. I teamed up with Itzik to develop a platform that simulates hacker breach methods, running continuous “war games” to identify breach scenarios across network systems. Not only does the platform provide a “hacker’s view” of an enterprise’s security posture to proactively predict attacks, but it also validates security controls and improves SOC analyst response.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

As many tech entrepreneurs know, there’s a lot of pressure to move quickly and beat the competition to a solution. This is especially true within the security industry, which is dominated by countless vendors marketing “best of breed” and “first of its kind” solutions. The challenge for any company confronted with such a crowded marketplace is how to cut through the noise and differentiate from others in the industry.

What does the future hold for SafeBreach?

We plan to continue expanding our market footprint to new geographies and evolve our offerings in response to client needs. In the near future, we plan to push through strongly in the direction of risk and business. With that, our vision is to transform the way the industry validates security to enable teams to understand and reduce risk continuously. We want to take the focus from static to continuous, theoretical to practical, and risky to safe.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in Sunnyvale?

Since Sunnyvale is not too far from Silicon Valley, it is becoming its own community of innovative companies operating within tech-enabled industries like cybersecurity, surgery, software, logistics, and more.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Understanding the importance of a strong team. Over the course of my career, I’ve realized that strong performance is only achieved if team members share a strategic vision and passion for the company. When team members don’t agree on the future strategy, the knowledge and skills they have will only marginally contribute to the overall team performance.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series