
Kevin MacDonald of Kit Check

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Kevin MacDonald (co-founder and CEO) of Kit Check, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of Kit Check – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

I originally got the idea for our first product after having dinner with my wife’s friend, who happens to be a hospital pharmacist. She described one of the worst jobs in the pharmacy, which was manually checking and refilling medication kits and trays, and my RFID background made it seem like there was a natural technology fit. It also seemed to be a wedge into better oversight of the medications flowing inside the hospital, and if we could unlock that, we’d be able to solve all kinds of problems both in the hospital and in the broader drug supply chain.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

I had never sold anything to hospitals before, and selling to hospitals is particularly challenging. The regulatory and clinical environment makes it a difficult place for new technology adoption.

What does the future hold for Kit Check?

Kit Check is harnessing data across the hospital to create a suite of solutions that we call Medication Intelligence. The idea is that if we can get visibility into every medication, we can help solve problems like pharmacists not having the time to spend working to the top of their license, lowering the cost of medications, and creating a safer and more compliant environment for patients.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in Alexandria?

Northern Virginia as a whole has really seen a lot of growth in its tech market. With the addition of Amazon H2, educational programs geared towards the tech workforce, and the special funding available to startups through the state, there’s no better place for Kit Check to call home. The region is predominantly startups focused on highly regulated industries like healthcare and finance, but I’m excited to see startups outside of those industries, like HUNGRY, thrive in this area.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

If you really want to be an entrepreneur and start something, be all in. If you aren’t willing to go in and quit your job to focus 100% on it, you’re not committed to it and others will see that.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series