
Ashton Kutcher Sees OpenAI’s Sora as the Future of Filmmaking, Sparking Industry Debate

Ashton Kutcher views OpenAI’s generative video tool, Sora, as a transformative force in filmmaking. In a conversation with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Kutcher described Sora’s capabilities, highlighting its ability to create realistic 10-15 second videos and predicting that the technology will soon render full movies from scripts. He emphasized the cost-saving potential, such as generating scenes digitally instead of filming on location or using stunt performers.

Kutcher demonstrated Sora’s functionality by creating a convincing video of a runner in a desert sandstorm without a CGI team. He noted the rapid advancements in AI video tools, boosted by powerful new processors from Nvidia, and foresaw a future where personalized content creation becomes commonplace.

However, not everyone is enthusiastic. Tyler Perry expressed concerns about the impact on the film industry, pausing a major studio expansion and calling for regulations to protect jobs and careers. Perry urged for consideration of the human element as companies adopt cost-saving technologies.