
$16K Humanoid Robot Now Purchasable

Unitree has launched the Unitree G1, a humanoid robot priced at $16,000. Known for affordable robotics, Unitree’s G1 showcases impressive features despite being a budget option, including standing up from a lying position and maintaining balance when pushed. However, its walk cycle is basic, and its height of 4 feet 2 inches limits its utility for tasks like dishwashing or reaching high shelves.

The G1 has a 9000 mAh battery lasting two hours and weighs between 77 to 104 pounds. It uses an Intel RealSense D435 depth camera and a Livox-MID360 lidar puck for vision. It can run at 2 meters per second and lift up to 2 kg. Programming the robot requires Unitree’s SDK, but details are sparse.

Promotional videos show the G1 attempting tasks like cracking nuts and opening bottles, but often making a mess instead. Some features, like functional hands, may not be included in the base model. The G1 represents a step towards affordable humanoid robots but still has significant limitations and developmental challenges.