
New Device Shows How Baby Brains Respond to World

Researchers from UCL and Birkbeck have developed wearable brain imaging technology that uses light waves to measure neural activity in babies, offering the most complete picture of brain functions like hearing, vision, and cognitive processing outside traditional scanners. This device, developed with UCL spin-out Gowerlabs, revealed unexpected activity in the prefrontal cortex in response to social stimuli, suggesting babies process social interactions as early as five months old.

Unlike earlier versions that could only scan specific brain regions, this device measures activity across the entire outer surface of the brain. The technology may help map brain connections and distinguish typical from atypical neurodevelopment, aiding early understanding of neurodiverse conditions like autism and ADHD. Testing on 16 babies showed different brain responses to social and non-social stimuli, highlighting its potential to observe brain activity in natural settings.


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