
Road Safety Plan Envisions Cars ‘Talking’ To Each Other

The US Department of Transportation (DoT) has announced a nationwide plan to implement vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology to improve road safety and reduce fatalities, with a goal of eventually reaching zero roadway deaths. V2X allows vehicles to communicate with each other, pedestrians, cyclists, and infrastructure, sharing data like position, speed, and road conditions, even in poor visibility.

The DoT’s plan, extending to 2036, aims to deploy V2X across the National Highway System, with significant milestones by 2028, including V2X tech in 20% of the system and 25% of signalized intersections in major metro areas. The rollout involves various stakeholders, including automakers, app developers, and the FCC. Despite challenges like cybersecurity and funding, the DoT believes V2X could prevent up to 615,000 crashes and transform transportation safety.