
Rumored Creaseless Foldable MacBook in the Works for 2026

Apple is reportedly developing a foldable MacBook without the crease commonly found in other foldable devices. According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple is collaborating with LG to create 20.2-inch folding displays for a potential 2026 release. This foldable MacBook may feature a custom M5 chip and is expected to be expensive due to strict specifications for panels and hinges. Production costs for each device could be as high as $900, hinting at a significant price tag.

Apple has also secured patents for foldable phones, tablets, and laptops, including designs with self-healing screens. With declining sales in laptops and iPhones, Apple aims to innovate with this new foldable technology. The success of such a device could mark Apple’s next major technological breakthrough, reminiscent of the original iPhone launch.