This Week in Tech

Ku Klux Klan Donation Account Suspended by PayPal – This Week in Tech – 09/01/2019

Ku Klux Klan Donation Account Suspended by PayPal

PayPal suspended an account used to raise funds by one of the US’s largest white supremacist groups six days after it was first flagged by an anti-bigotry campaigner…

Apple Reverses Stance on iPhone Repairs and Will Supply Parts to Independent Shops for the First Time

Apple said on Thursday it will start offering independent repair shops parts, tools and guides to help fix broken iPhones…

A Chip Made With Carbon Nanotubes, Not Silicon, Marks a Computing Milestone

Inside a new microprocessor, the transistors — tiny electronic switches that collectively perform computations — are made with carbon nanotubes, rather than silicon. By devising techniques to overcome the nanoscale defects that often undermine individual nanotube transistors (SN: 7/19/17), researchers have created the first computer chip that uses thousands of these switches to run programs…

Social Networking Sites Cause Stress That Fuels Social Media Addiction

According to a new study, social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook and Instagram are causing what is known as “technostress” among their users. Rather than switching off from SNS, users are becoming more addicted to social media platforms…

Controlling the Smallest Unit of Sound Could Have Applications in Quantum Information

Researchers have gained control of the elusive “particle” of sound, the phonon. Although phonons—the smallest units of the vibrational energy that makes up sound waves—are not matter, they can be considered particles the way photons are particles of light. Photons commonly store information in prototype quantum computers, which aim to harness quantum effects to achieve unprecedented processing power. Using sound instead may have advantages, although it would require manipulating phonons on very fine scales…

A Review of 14,756 Rides Found Uber and Lyft Taking a Much Bigger Slice of Drivers’ Fares Than They Say They Do

A Jalopnik analysis of 14,756 ride fares from Uber and Lyft drivers found the ride-hailing apps to be taking a bigger bite out of drivers’ fares than they say they do…

The Trade War Has Already Cost Electronics Companies $10 Billion and It Gets Worse on Sept. 1

If you need a new television, you might want to consider buying it sooner rather than later…