
New Quantum Computer Surpasses Google Record

In 2019, Google’s Sycamore quantum computer claimed “quantum supremacy” by performing a task in 200 seconds that would have taken a classical supercomputer 10,000 years. However, Quantinuum has recently surpassed this achievement with its new 56-qubit H2-1 computer, which achieved a 100-fold improvement in performance.

Quantinuum’s experiments, conducted from January to June 2024, demonstrated a significant advancement in error correction, achieving an XEB score of ~0.35. This result is over 100 times better than previous benchmarks and represents a major step towards fault-tolerant quantum computing. The H2-1 configured with 32 physical qubits supported the creation of four highly reliable logical qubits, achieving error rates up to 800 times lower than the physical qubits.

Quantinuum published its findings in a preprint study on arXiv, claiming that their error correction capabilities allow for more complex and reliable quantum computations. This breakthrough elevates the field to a level where classical supercomputers can no longer compete, solidifying Quantinuum’s position at the forefront of quantum computing advancements.