
Top 5 Software For Running A Tech-Enabled Real Estate Brokerage

As a low-commission real estate brokerage, Felix Homes must leverage technology so that they can afford to sell homes for a lower commission rate. Tyler Forte, CEO of Felix Homes, claims that over the past 5 years, technology has made the job of a real estate agent more efficient. However, in much of the country, agents do not seem to be budging on the 6% commission most charge. Here are the top 5 software services that Felix Homes uses to keep overhead low and efficiency high:


Trello is a productivity tool that allows teams to assign tasks and track the progress they make towards achieving a goal. Trello has a user-friendly interface, including a mobile app, desktop app, and web app. The tool offers a freemium model with tons of features so only power users will have to upgrade to a paid account. The best part about Trello is that it forces accountability. If a team member has a task they need to complete, they can easily create a ticket on Trello so they do not forget. 


Slack is a great tool for seamless communication. They have an easy-to-use mobile app, desktop app, and web app. Slack offers a freemium model, or you can pay $8 per user per month for additional features, like the ability to video chat with team members. The best part about Slack is that it allows team members to communicate without missing a beat. It’s way easier than email and is gaining in popularity as more employees work from home. 


ActiveCampaign is an intuitive marketing platform that combines a CRM, email marketing platform, and marketing automation engine. Marketing automation is the way of the future and ActiveCampaign couldn’t make it easier with their predefined ‘recipes’ and superb support staff. Any good real estate agent knows the value of a CRM and ActiveCampaign takes it to the next level. They have a scoring feature which automatically adds points to a contact for actions they take, such as visiting your website, or opening an email. Once a certain point threshold is reached, you can have the automation remind you to follow up with the contact or email them a special offer.


Superhuman is the fastest email experience. Gone are the days of Gmail and Yahoo mail. Real estate agents get hundreds of emails per day and making efficient use of your time is a must. Superhuman allows you to go through emails in half the time by using intuitive keyboard shortcuts and a sleek user interface. For emails that you send often, you can compose templates or snippets and quickly customize the email. Better yet, if you’re looking for an old email, Superhuman has a great search feature that beats out Gmail any day.


Figma is a free design tool that allows you to make catchy marketing material with ease. The best part about Figma is that its collaborative, meaning you can invite multiple people to edit and design the same thing at the same time. Figma automatically saves the changes so that your work will never accidentally get deleted.


While Tyler and the Felix Homes team use these software on a daily basis for their real estate company, they can be used by startups and technology companies across industries. Many of them offer freemium or low-cost plans to allow startups large and small to have the ability to stay productive and efficient.