
Nathan Buchbinder of Proscia

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with Nathan Buchbinder (co-founder and Chief Product Officer) of Proscia, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of Proscia – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

We started Proscia to change the way the world practices pathology. At the time, two of our co-founders were doing cancer research at Johns Hopkins. In talking with pathologists and studying the standard of care, we were surprised to see that pathology, which is the cornerstone of diagnosing diseases like cancer, had remained largely unchanged over the past 150 years. It still centered around the light microscope, a technology that left little room for diagnostic medicine to see the same data-driven transformation that has reshaped the rest of healthcare. With hospitals and laboratories facing a growing number of cases, a declining pathologist population, and an increased demand for high-quality, increasingly personalized diagnostics, we knew there was a massive opportunity to drive efficiency, quality, and precision in the diagnosis of diseases like cancer.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

As a startup, we’ve had to come to the realization that we can’t solve every single problem out there. We encounter on a near daily basis unmet needs and big challenges in our field, the solutions to which might change how patients are diagnosed and treated; however, as a vision-driven company, we know that we must remain focused on executing on our core mission. This sometimes means letting go of some attractive sounding opportunities in order to work towards the efforts that will truly bring about the paradigm shift we’re leading.

What does the future hold for Proscia?

We want to make an impact on the lives of every single person who gets diagnosed with a disease like cancer, ensuring that their diagnosis and treatment are based on the best possible information and insights that medicine and technology can offer. Proscia’s future is to continue delivering solutions that accelerate routine lab work and drive diagnostic confidence, quality, and insight for as many patients as possible.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in Philadelphia?

Even over the past few years, Philadelphia has grown immensely as a tech startup hub. Powered by bright individuals coming out of powerhouse universities and local tech & pharma giants, the level of innovation and talent in the city is amazing. New co-working spaces have come up and been filled with startups across med-tech, fin-tech, social, and more. Many of these companies are gaining national and international attention. The VC and PE world has taken notice of Philly-based companies as well. Communities of founders are interacting and engaging with each other to share stories and establish a network of entrepreneurship in the city. In short, Philadelphia is an extremely attractive city for tech startups.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Transformation lives at the intersection of vision, focus, and drive. Vision shapes the world you want to create and sets your direction. Focus keeps you on the right course, avoiding distractions that consume your time, energy, and ability to make change happen. Drive is what turns passion into action and ideas into successes. So dream big, stay focused, and come hungry.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series