This Week in Tech

Soon You Can Experience A Spacewalk Through Virtual Reality

Soon You Can Experience a Spacewalk Through Virtual Reality

Most of us will never be able to visit space, much less experience what it’s like to do a spacewalk. Even billionaires who can afford to pay for a trip beyond the atmosphere of our planet — or at least somewhere in that vicinity — can only look out from their spaceships. Episodes 3 and 4 of the immersive series Space Explorers: The ISS Experience, however, will give you a way to see what it’s like to float around in space. To make that happen, Felix & Paul Studios, one of the series’ creators, customized a virtual reality camera and attached it to the Canadarm2 robot to capture 3D, 360-degree scenes from outside the space station…

Samsung Supports Retailers Affected By Looting With Innovative Television Block Function

Samsung South Africa has announced the implementation of a Television Block Function on all Samsung TV sets. The blocking system is intended to be implemented in respect of televisions that have been obtained by users through unlawful means and in some cases, stolen from the Samsung warehouses…

Remarkable Density of New Lithium Battery Promises Massive Range for EVs

For electric planes to really take off and for electric cars to travel far longer distances between charges, we’ll need batteries that pack far more energy without becoming prohibitively heavy. A team in Germany has now demonstrated a new lithium-metal battery with a density well beyond the significant 500-Wh/kg benchmark and an ability to retain its performance across hundreds of cycles…

Feast Your Eyes Upon the World’s First 3D-Printed Steel Bridge

After four long years of planning, the world’s first 3D-printed steel bridge debuted in Amsterdam last month. If it stands up to the elements, the bridge could be a blueprint for fixing our own structurally deficient infrastructure in the U.S.—and we sorely need the help…

Scientists Reveal World’s First 3D-Printed, Marbled Wagyu Beef

Scientists from Osaka University have manufactured the world’s first 3D-printed Wagyu beef by using stem cells isolated from Japanese cattle, according to a press release. The product looks like a realistic steak piece containing muscle, fat, and blood vessels…

World’s First Crewless, Zero Emissions Cargo Ship Will Set Sail in Norway

(CNN) – A Norwegian company has created what it calls the world’s first zero-emission, autonomous cargo ship…

Waymo Opens Its Self-Driving Taxis to ‘Trusted Testers’ in San Francisco

Alphabet’s fully autonomous driving unit Waymo is ready to offer rides to select passengers in San Francisco, the company announced on Tuesday. Starting later today, residents can sign up to become “Trusted Testers.” With an invite to the program, you can use the Waymo One app to take rides in the fleet of Jaguar I-Pace vehicles Waymo will have stationed in the city…