
UB Ciminieri of interviewIA

An exclusive Tech Tribune Q&A with UB Ciminieri (co-founder, CMO, and Head of Strategic Partnerships) of interviewIA, which was honored in our:
Tell us the origin story of interviewIA – what problem were you trying to solve and why?

We have developed an interview platform that activates efficient and unbiased interviews using Intelligence Amplification (IA) technology to support the interviewer and help them deliver a more inclusive and equitable candidate experience, with a few simple clicks of the mouse. Post-pandemic and in the midst of social change, companies cannot afford to continue with the status quo of interviewing. Job seekers are demanding better, and companies have a short window of opportunity to deliver better. Our technology provides companies with a tangible solution to bolster their diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your journey?

When COVID changed everything, we made the decision, as a team, to transition from a consulting services company to a technology company. That has been the greatest hurdle and the greatest experience because it truly forced us to change everything, in the middle of a pandemic. Every person had to re-evaluate their role in the company. Every process and procedure had to be rewritten to support this new company. And we had to build an amazing product on top of all of that, while raising money to ensure our passion could get legs and grow and thrive. We built a company, raised money, and built a great product in 11 months, all in the middle of a pandemic, working remotely, and in the midst of social and political discourse and change.

What does the future hold for interviewIA?

Our future is in the hands of every person who conducts interviews. We are solely focused on building an interview support platform that helps interviewers be better and give all qualified candidates an equal opportunity for every role. The future is building a community of interviewers who can share and support each other, to truly change the status quo of interviewing that has existed for over 100 years. We want to remove the stigma and fear of job interviews and truly make them an inclusive and impactful experience for both candidates and interviewers. That is no small feat but we are dedicated to that future.

What are your thoughts on the local tech startup scene in Colorado Springs?

We are big fans of the tech startup scene that is growing in Colorado. Every major metro area has seen the rise of some really incredible companies and we are so proud to be a part of that community. In fact, I always say that we could not have started interviewIA anywhere else.

What’s your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Be honest and intentional about your idea. If you are just in it to make money on the back end, don’t do it. You will fail. If you are in it to make true change, and if you have co-founders and/or a team who all 100% believe in the mission, then do it. In the beginning, while you build your product or develop your service, you’re selling you and your team. When you’re raising money, you’re selling you and your team. That’s how this starts – the people. If you don’t lead with that, you won’t succeed.


For more exclusive interviews, see our full Profile of a Founder series